
禰占 雅史 Masafumi Nejime, Ph.D.
近畿大学 理工学部 生命科学科 |
京都大学大学院 理学研究科 生物科学専攻 霊長類学系 修士課程 |
京都大学大学院 理学研究科 生物科学専攻 霊長類学・野生動物系 博士課程 |
京都大学 霊長類研究所 リサーチアシスタント |
京都大学 霊長類研究所 高次脳機能分野 技術補佐員 |
京都大学医学研究科 リサーチアシスタント |
京都大学 霊長類研究所 高次脳機能分野 研究員 |
筑波大学 医学医療系 生命医科学域 認知行動神経科学 研究員 |
東京都医学総合研究所 脳・神経科学研究分野 研究員 |
- Yun M, Nejime M, Kawai T, Kunimatsu J, Yamada H, Kim HR, Matsumoto M. Distinct roles of the orbitofrontal cortex, ventral striatum, and dopamine neurons in counterfactual thinking of decision outcomes. Science Advances 9(32) eadh2831. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adh2831
- Itoh K, Konoike N, Nejime M, Iwaoki H, Igarashi H, Hirata S, Nakamura K. Cerebral cortical processing time is elongated in human brain evolution. Scientific Reports 12(1) 1103. doi; 10.1038/s41598-022-05053-w
- Yun M, Nejime M, Matsumoto M. Single-unit Recording in Awake Behaving Non-human Primates. BIO-PROTOCOL 11(8) e3987. doi: 10.21769/BioProtoc.3987
- Yun M, Kawai T, Nejime M, Yamada H, Matsumoto M. Signal dynamics of midbrain dopamine neurons during economic decision-making in monkeys. Science Advances 6(27) eaba4962. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aba4962
- Sakata H, Kim Y, Nejime M, Konoike N, Miyachi S, Nakamura K. Laminar Pattern of Projections Indicates the Hierarchical Organization of the Anterior Cingulate-Temporal Lobe Emotion System. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 13 74-74. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2019.00074
- Itoh K, Nejime M, Konoike N, Nakamura K, Nakada T. Evolutionary Elongation of the Time Window of Integration in Auditory Cortex: Macaque vs. Human Comparison of the Effects of Sound Duration on Auditory Evoked Potentials. Frontiers in Neuroscience 13 630-630. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00630
- Ogasawara T, Nejime M, Takada M, Matsumoto M. Primate nigrostriatal dopamine system regulates saccadic response inhibition. Neuron 100(6) 1513-1526. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.10.025
- Kim Y, Sakata H, Nejime M, Konoike N, Miyachi S, Nakamura K. Afferent connections of the dorsal, perigenual, and subgenual anterior cingulate cortices of the monkey: Amygdalar inputs and intrinsic connections. Neuroscience Letters 681 93-99. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2018.05.028
- Itoh K, Nejime M, Konoike N, Nakada T, Nakamura K. Noninvasive scalp recording of cortical auditory evoked potentials in the alert macaque monkey. HEARING RESEARCH 327 117-125. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2015.05.007
- Nejime M, Inoue M, Saruwatari M, Mikami A, Nakamura K, Miyachi S. Responses of monkey prefrontal neurons during the execution of transverse patterning. BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH 278 293-302. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2014.10.015
- Duo Z, Wang Y, Nejime M, Kunimatsu J, Amita H, Inoue K, Takada M, Yamada H, Matsumoto M. Dopamine signals transmitted to different subregions of the primate striatum during economic decision-making. The 52nd annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience (November 2023, Washington D.C.)
- Nejime M, Yun M, Kawai T, Kunimatsu J, Yamada H, Inoue K, Takada M, Matsumoto M. Optogenetic stimulation of dopamine signals transmitted to the ventral striatum during ongoing decision-making process affects economic choice behavior in macaque monkeys. The 51st annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience (November 2022, San Diego)
- Nejime M, Yun M, Kawai T, Yamada H, Inoue K, Takada M, Matsumoto M. Causal role of midbrain dopamine neurons and ventral striatum circuit in economic decision-making in macaque monkeys. The 50th annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience (November 2021, Chicago)
- Yun M, Nejime M, Kawai T, Yamada H, Matsumoto M. Representations of actual and counterfactual choice outcomes in the primate orbitofrontal cortex, ventral striatum, and midbrain dopamine neurons. The 50th annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience (November 2021, Chicago)
- Nejime M, Yun M, Kawai T, Yamada H, Matsumoto M. Value and choice representations in the primate ventral striatum during economic decision-making. The 49th annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience (October 2019, Chicago)
- Yun M, Kawai T, Nejime M, Yamada H, Matsumoto M. Signal dynamics corresponding to transformation from value to choice in midbrain dopamine neurons and orbitofrontal neurons during economic decision-making in monkeys. The 49th annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience (October 2019, Chicago)
- Sakata H, Kim Y, Nejime M, Konoike N, Miyachi S, Nakamura K. Monkey anterior cingulate cortex: topography and laminar pattern of corticocortical connections indicate hierarchical organization. The 49th annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience (October 2019, Chicago)
- Yun M, Kawai T, Nejime M, Yamada H, Matsumoto M. Dynamics of neuronal signals in primate midbrain dopamine neurons and orbitofrontal cortex neurons during value-to-decision transformation. The 48th annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience (November 2018, San Diego)
- Itoh K, Nejime M, Konoike N, Nakamura K, Nakada T. Musical chord change detection in the macaque monkey is hindered by insertion of silent gaps between chords: a scalp ERP study. The 47th annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience (November 2017, Washington, DC)
- Nejime M, Inoue M, Saruwatari M, Mikami A, Miyachi S. Conflict-related activity of medial prefrontal cortex in macaque monkey. The 50th anniversary symposium of Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University (January 2017, Aichi)
- Itoh K, Nejime M, Konoike N, Nakamura K, Nakada T. Evolutionary elongation of the time scale of auditory cortical processing: comparison of effects of stimulus time parameters on human and macaque scalp auditory evoked potentials. The 5th Joint Meeting of Acoustical Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan (November-December 2016, Hawaii)
- Nejime M, Inoue M, Saruwatari M, Mikami A, Miyachi S. Conflict between different task rules influences the prefrontal neuronal activities during behavioral choice. The 45th annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience (October 2015, Chicago)
- Nejime M, Inoue M, Saruwatari M, Nakamura K, Miyachi S. Differential activities of monkey lateral prefrontal neurons between decisions based on short-term and long-term memories. The 41st annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience (November 2011, Washington D.C.)
- Nejime M, Inoue M, Saruwatari M, Nakamura K, Miyachi S. Prefrontal neuron activities in short-term memory-based and long-term memory-based decision processes. The 5th International Symposium of the Biodiversity & Evolution Global COE (July 2011, Kyoto)
- Duo Z, Wang Y, Nejime M, Kunimatsu J, Amita H, Inoue K, Takada M, Yamada H, Matsumoto M. Distinct dopamine signals in primate striatal subregions during economic-decision-making. 第47回日本神経科学大会 福岡コンベンションセンター(2024.7.25 福岡)
- Wang Y, Duo Z, Nejime M, Kunimatsu J, Inoue K, Takada M, Matsumoto M. Imaging of dopamine signals transmitted to distinct subregions of the striatum in macaque monkeys preforming a saccadic stop-signal task. 第47回日本神経科学大会 福岡コンベンションセンター(2024.7.24福岡)
- 禰占雅史 光遺伝学によるサル中脳ドーパミンニューロン-腹側線条体神経路の活動操作 第4回サル脳新技術研究会(2023.2.24-25 東京)口頭発表
- 禰占雅史 経済的意思決定に寄与するサル中脳ドーパミン神経細胞-腹側線条体経路の役割 CRESTオプトバイオ第7回領域会議(2023.1.19-20 兵庫)口頭発表
- 禰占雅史 意思決定時のサル腹側線条体ドーパミン神経終末に対する光刺激が経済的行動選択に与える影響 第36回日本大脳基底核研究会(2022.8.20-21 滋賀)口頭発表
- Itoh K, Konoike N, Nejime M, Iwaoki H, Igarashi H, Hirata S, Nakamura K. Human brain evolution accompanied a prologation of cerebral cortical sensory processing time: a non-invasive auditory evoked potential study in four primate species. 第45回日本神経科学大会(2022.6-7 沖縄)
- 禰占雅史 経済的意思決定におけるサル中脳ドーパミンニューロン-腹側線条体神経路の因果的役割 CRESTオプトバイオ第6回領域会議(2021.12.23-24 オンライン)口頭発表
- Nejime M, Yun M, Kawai T, Yamada H, Inoue K, Takada M, Matsumoto M. Dynamics of neuronal activity related to economic decision-making in the macaque reward system. 第44回日本神経科学大会(2021.7 兵庫)
- Yun M, Nejime M, Kawai T, Yamada H, Matsumoto M. Representations of actual and counterfactual choice outcomes in the primate orbitofrontal cortex, ventral striatum and midbrain dopamine neurons. 第44回日本神経科学大会(2021.7 兵庫)
- 禰占雅史 経済学的意思決定時の腹側線条体・中脳ドーパミンニューロン・眼窩前頭皮質の神経活動ダイナミクス 生理研研究会(2020.12.11-12 オンライン)口頭発表
- Nejime M, Yun M, Kawai T, Yamada H, Matsumoto M. Value and choice representations of the ventral striatum in monkeys performing an economic decision-making task. 第43回日本神経科学大会(2020.7 オンライン)
- Nejime M, Yun M, Kawai T, Yamada H, Matsumoto M. 価値に基づく意思決定におけるサル腹側線条体の価値・選択関連応答とその因果的役割 先端モデル動物支援プラットフォーム2019年度成果発表会(2020.2 滋賀)
- 伊藤浩介、禰占雅史、岩沖晴彦、鴻池菜保、中村克樹 霊長類3種における頭皮上聴覚誘発電位の成分比較 2019年度第2回領域会議新学術領域研究「時間生成学 時を生み出すこころの仕組み」(2020.2 大阪)
- Nejime M, Yun M, Kawai T, Yamada H, Matsumoto M. Causal contribution of value- and choice-related signals in the primate ventral striatum to economic decision-making. 生理研研究会(2019.12 愛知)
- 伊藤浩介、禰占雅史、岩沖晴彦、鴻池菜保、中村克樹 アカゲザルとコモンマーモセットにおける無侵襲の聴覚誘発電位(AEP)記録 2019年度第1回領域会議新学術領域研究「時間生成学 時を生み出すこころの仕組み」(2019.8 北海道)
- Yun M, Kawai T, Nejime M, Yamada H, Matsumoto M. Signal dynamics of midbrain dopamine neurons and orbitofrontal cortex neurons correspond to value-to-choice transformation during economic decision-making in monkeys. 第42回日本神経科学大会(2019.7 新潟)
- Miyachi S, Sakata H, Kim Y, Nejime M, Konoike N, Nakamura K. Afferent connections of the dorsal, perigenual and subgenual anterior cingulate cortices of the monkey: inputs from temporal pole and medial cortex. 第8回生理研-霊長研-脳研合同シンポジウム(2019.3 新潟)
- Yun M, Kawai T, Nejime M, Yamada H, Matsumoto M. Representations of reward value and choice behavior in primate midbrain dopamine neurons and orbitofrontal neurons in a single-option decision-making task. 第41回日本神経科学大会(2018.7 兵庫)
- 伊藤浩介、禰占雅史、鴻池菜保、中田力、中村克樹 聴覚機能の進化:ヒトとアカゲザルにおける無侵襲頭皮上聴覚誘発電位記録による検討 日本基礎心理学会第36回大会(2017.12 大阪)
- Nejime M, Inoue M, Saruwatari M, Mikami A, Miyachi S. Influence of conflict between two behavioral rules on the activity of monkey medial and dorsolateral prefrontal neurons. 第40回日本神経科学大会(2017.7 千葉)
- 伊藤浩介、禰占雅史、鴻池菜保、中田力、中村克樹 アカゲザルにおける聴覚誘発電位長潜時成分:記録法と成分同定 第46回日本臨床神経生理学会学術大会(2016.10 福島)
- Nejime M, Inoue M, Saruwatari M, Mikami A, Nakamura K, Miyachi S. Responses of monkey prefrontal neurons during a transverse patterning task. 第37回日本神経科学大会(2014.9 神奈川)
- Nejime M, Inoue M, Saruwatari M, Nakamura K, Miyachi S. Neuronal activities of the monkey lateral prefrontal cortex reflect difference of memory source in the memory-based behavioral choice. Kyoto University and The University of Tokyo Global COE Joint Symposium(2012.1 東京)
- Inoue M, Nejime M , Mikami A. Neuronal activities in medial temporal lobe during retrieval from working memory. 第34回日本神経科学大会(2011.9 神奈川)
- 井上雅仁、禰占雅史、三上章允 作業記憶からの想起に関連したサル内側側頭葉のニューロン活動 2010年度包括脳ネットワーク夏のワークショップ(2010.7 北海道)
- 禰占雅史, 井上雅仁, 宮地重弘, 三上章允 行動決定における短期記憶と長期記憶の相互作用 第25回日本霊長類学会大会(2009.7 岐阜)
- 2022年4月~2025年3月. サル腹側線条体ドーパミンシグナルの意思決定過程における機能的役割. 科学研究費助成事業(若手研究:4,680千円、代表)
- 2019年4月~2022年3月. 意思決定過程における報酬系回路の役割:サル腹側線条体の機能解析. 科学研究費助成事業(若手研究:4,290千円、代表)
Masafumi Nejime, Ph.D
Current Position
Researcher, Neural Prosthetics Project, Department of Brain and Neuroscience, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Tokyo, Japan
Educational Background/Research Experience
2024.4-now | Researcher, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science |
2017.4-2024.3 | Researcher, University of Tsukuba |
2015.4-2017.3 | Researcher, Kyoto University |
2015.3 | Completed the doctoral course in Kyoto University |
Research Area
Motor control, Motivation, Dopamine, Decision-making, Reward, Memory