臼田 升

臼田 升

臼田 升 Noboru USUDA, Ph.D.


北海道大学 教育学部 教育学科
北海道大学大学院 教育学院 修士課程
東京大学大学院 総合文化研究科 博士(学術)


北海道大学 教育学部 ティーチングアシスタント
早稲田大学 人間科学部 eスクール 教育コーチ
東京都医学総合研究所 リサーチアシスタント
東京都医学総合研究所 研究技術員
東京都医学総合研究所 研究員

業績 List


  1. Usuda N, Sugawara S.K, Fukuyama H, Nakazawa K, Amemiya K, Nishimura Y. Quantitative comparison of corticospinal tracts arising from different cortical areas in humans. Neuroscience Research, 2022 Oct:183:30-49. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2022.06.008. Epub 2022 Jul 3.
  2. Kaneko N, Masugi Y, Usuda N, Yokoyama H, Nakazawa K. Muscle-Specific Modulation of Spinal Reflexes in Lower-Limb Muscles during Action Observation with and without Motor Imagery of Walking. Brain Sciences, 2019 Nov 21;9(12):333. doi: 10.3390/brainsci9120333.
  3. Usuda N, Shirakawa K, Hatano K, Abe MO, Yunoki T, Yano T. Coherence between oscillations in the cardiorespiratory system and tissue oxygen index in muscle recovering from intensive exercise in humans. Physiology International, 2019 Sep 1;106(3):261-271. doi: 10.1556/2060.106.2019.25.
  4. Kaneko N, Masugi Y, Usuda N, Yokoyama H, Nakazawa K. Modulation of Hoffmann reflex excitability during action observation of walking with and without motor imagery. Neuroscience Letters, 2018 Sep 25:684:218-222. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2018.07.041. Epub 2018 Jul 31.
  5. Hatano K, Shirakawa K, Usuda N, Matsuura R, Ohtsuka Y, Yunoki T. Effect of hypercapnia on self-sustained muscle activity. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, 2018 Apr:250:24-30. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2018.02.002. Epub 2018 Feb 8.





  1. Usuda N, Sugawara SK,, Nishimura Y. Pre-movement activity in rostral and caudal cervical segment represent a different types of force productions: A simultaneous brain-  spinal cord fMRI study. The 2024 annual meeting of Neural Control of Movement (2024.4.19 Dubrovnik, Croatia )
  2. Shiina A, Sugawara SK, Hoshi Y, Usuda N, Nishijima M, Ueda Y, Okuma J, Momoki M, Ibaraki T, Hoshino M, Nishimura Y. Neural substrates of the motor enhancement induced by emotional imagery. 52nd annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience(2023.11.15 Washington,D.C., U.S.A)
  3. Sugawara SK, Usuda N, Hamano YH, Nakayama Y, Fukuyama H, Amemiya K, Fukunaga M, Sadato N, Nishimura Y. Ventral midbrain activity links to short- and long-term fluctuations in motor performance. 52nd annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience(2023.11.15 Washington,D.C., U.S.A)
  4. Usuda N, Sugawara SK, Nishimura Y. Cortical origins of the ipsilateral corticospinal tract in humans based on diffusion fiber tractography. 52nd annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience(2023.11.15 Washington,D.C., U.S.A)
  5. Sugawara SK, Usuda N, Hamano YH, Nakayama Y, Fukuyama H, Amemiya K, Fukunaga M, Sadato N, Nishimura Y. Mesocortical system commonly contributes to short-and long-term fluctuations in motor performance. The 2023 annual meeting of Neural Control of Movement(2023.4.18 Victoria, Canada)
  6. Usuda N, Sugawara S.K, Fukuyama H, Nakazawa K, Amemiya K, Nishimura Y. Quantitative comparison of corticospinal tracts in humans based on diffusion fiber tractography. Society for Neuroscience, Poster(2022.11.12-16 San Diego, U.S.A)


  1. Shiina A, Sugawara SK, Hoshi Y, Usuda N, Nishijima M, Ueda Y, Okuma J, Momoki M, Ibaraki T, Hoshino M, Nishimura Y. Neural substrates of motor enhancement induced by emotional imagery. 第7回ヒト脳イメージング研究会(2023.09.09 東京)
  2. Sugawara SK, Usuda N, Fukuyama H, Amemiya K, Nishimura Y. Neural substrates for short- and long-term fluctuations in motor performance: a longitudinal fMRI in a single human. 第7回ヒト脳イメージング研究会(2023.09.08 東京)
  3. Usuda N, Sugawara S.K, Nishimura Y. Quantitative assessment of ipsilateral corticospinal tracts in humans based on diffusion weighted images. 第46回日本神経科学大会, ポスター, 査読あり(2023.8.2 宮城)
  4. Usuda N. Corticospinal tracts arising from different cortical areas in humans. 第46回日本神経科学大会, Neuroscience Research(NSR)論文賞 Best Paper Award受賞記念講演(2023.8.1 宮城)
  5. Usuda N, Sugawara S.K, Fukuyama H, Amemiya K, Nishimura Y. Quantitative comparison of ipsilateral corticospinal tracts in humans. NEURO2022, ポスター, 査読あり(2022.7 沖縄)
  6. Usuda N, Sugawara S.K, Fukuyama H, Nakazawa K, Amemiya K, Nishimura Y. Origin of corticospinal tracts in humans; diffusion weighted imaging study. 第5回ヒト脳イメージング研究会, 口頭発表, 査読あり (2021.9 オンライン)
  7. Usuda N, Sugawara S.K, Fukuyama H, Amemiya K, Nakazawa K, Nishimura Y. Quantitative comparison of corticospinal tracts from cerebral cortex in humans. 第44回日本神経科学大会, 口頭発表, 査読あり(2021.7 オンライン)
  8. Usuda N, Sugawara S.K, Fukuyama H, Amemiya K, Nakazawa K, Nishimura Y. The spatial distribution of corticospinal tract in humans based on diffusion fiber tractography. 第43日本神経科学大会, 査読あり(2020.7 オンライン)
  9. 臼田升、白川和希、波多野慶、肖錚、柚木孝敬 短時間高強度運動後回復期に見られる活動筋酸素化動態の振動を影響する要因 第71回日本体力医学会大会 口頭発表(2016.9 岩手)




  1. 2023年 Neuroscience Research (NSR) 論文賞 NSR Best Paper Award
  2. 2019年 東京都医学総合研究所 所内研究発表会 優秀発表賞


  1. 2023 – 2025 磁器共鳴画像による脳卒中患者の随意運動能力の回復を支える脊髄再編成の可視化 科学研究費助成事業(若手研究・代表)